I must, however, break from "policy" for this post. On Wednesday, October the 1st, Senator Obama came to speak in LaCrosse, just 5 blocks from campus, and I walked to the rally with several of my co-workers. I've been reflecting on the experience ever since.
I had the good fortune of being raised in Manchester, New Hampshire. With New Hampshire's "First in the Nation" status, I have had the opportunity to listen to, and often shake hands with most candidates for the highest office in the land. My mom and dad loved to attend the rallys, and I often went with them. I remember discussions around the dinner table where we would all reflect upon our thoughts about various candidates. I grew up in a house where canvassing neighborhoods with pamphlets and calling voters before the election was a perfectly exceptable way to spend an autumn evening or a Saturday. I often wonder what my dad would make of this election.
As a writing and speech instructor, I certainly was moved by Senator Obama's speech. He not only knows how to construct a powerful speech (and he does write them himself) but he also knows how to deliver a speech. I must say that I find the prospect of having a president whose speeches I can hold up as examples to my students extremely appealing.
It was more than that though. Yes, I was caught up in the charisma and enthusiasm of the moment. Yes, I left the rally feeling full of hope and enthusiasm for America, but it was more than that.
It was more than that though. Yes, I was caught up in the charisma and enthusiasm of the moment. Yes, I left the rally feeling full of hope and enthusiasm for America, but it was more than that.
I believe that we need a change, and I believe that Senator Obama can deliver that change. I believe that Senator Obama has a vision that will lift this nation out of our current decline, a vision that will allow the middle and lower class to live better and more productive lives. I believe that Senator Obama intends to try to fulfill his campaign promises. In the words of my husband: "I think this guy is the real deal".
I remember my father talking about the hope and enthusiasm he felt as John F. Kennedy ran for and won the presidency. I can’t help but think about some of the similarities between these two men. I wonder what my dad would make of Senator Obama. I'd like to think he would feel the same hope I feel.
I would never be so bold as to tell you who to vote for. That should be your decision alone. I will, however, encourage you to make sure that you do vote. Please make sure that you are registered to vote and that you visit your polling place on November 4th.
*Thanks to Brenda and Dan Rooney for the fantastic photos!
*Thanks to Brenda and Dan Rooney for the fantastic photos!